Wave Height for Unity’s Water 4

One of the major issues with Lost Loot was that when you are on the surface of the ocean your body did not rise and fall with the waves properly and as a result you could often see under the water without the underwater system turning on.  This regularly broke the immersion and additionally there was no way to have anything floating on the water either, such as barrels, crates, or even the little red… Continue reading

Rift Ramblings (Part 3)

It has been a while since my last Rift Ramblings.  I was mildly burned out after pulling together Lost Loot for the VR Jam, but I have been busy developing the concepts for the successor to it. During this process I have been trying to grapple with what makes a true VR game.  VR games extend beyond simply adapting current games to use a stereoscopic HMD.  They also need to bring interaction closer to the… Continue reading

Oculus and IndieCade VR Jam 2013 – LOST LOOT

It is finally done!  The last week of the jam was torture and I spent many late nights and two days with no sleep up until the final submission late Sunday.  It has taken some time to recover and that is why this update is a week late.  Here is a video of some random gameplay from the final version of LOST LOOT.  It is rather long, but as a reward you get to find… Continue reading

Oculus and IndieCade VR Jam – Milestone 2 Status

So we have reached the end of week two.  Things have been a little crazy – I am getting rather exhausted and turning nocturnal.  The game is coming along, but still not anywhere near complete.  I was able to complete the basic gameplay of diving for and recovering loot.  This is my official milestone 2 progress video for LOST LOOT, which is just some gameplay segments diving for loot!     Current gameplay involves parachuting… Continue reading

Oculus and IndieCade VR Jam – Milestone 1 Status

My entry in the Oculus and IndieCade VR Jam is taking shape.  I am creating a casual treasure diving game designed specifically for VR. Here is the official description: “LOST LOOT: A casual exploration game designed for VR and the Oculus Rift.  It combines relaxing gameplay with an interesting environment and a touch of adventure.  Dive for lost treasure!  Search submerged ruins and ancient shipwrecks for gold, jewels, and artifacts.  Watch your air supply and… Continue reading

Rift Ramblings (Part 2)

I am currently in the process of prototyping the character setup for my game.  I am developing a game that has a first person perspective and allows you to look down and see the body of the main character you play.  This main character is also wearing human/alien hybrid tech that is composed of a tablet/visor system.  The tablet is used as a main control device for the related visor which acts as an augmented… Continue reading

Half-Life 2 and the Oculus Rift

I am convinced now more than ever that devices like the Rift are the future.  Actually being inside the Half-Life 2 world is both mesmerizing and frightening.  Nothing like wandering down dark zombie infested sewers for real to get your heart rate up.  Thankfully I have played the game through almost half a dozen times so I know where to go and what pops out at you.  Doing this for the first time in the Rift… Continue reading

Day One for VR!

Well, this is it.  The Oculus Rift has me changing my life already.  I have come to the realization that the Rift is going to be such a revolutionary device that I am going to devote most of my attention to it through it’s commercial release.  You should watch these videos from GDC this year to get a feel for the energy surrounding it: Oculus VR @ GDC 2013: Behind the Scenes Oculus VR @… Continue reading

Rift Ramblings (Part 1)

Well, it has been about two weeks since the Oculus Rift arrived.  I have spent many hours with the device glued to my face, exploring what it feels like to be inside a computer generated world instead of looking at it through a flat window.  The experience can best be described as stunning, with a sense that this is the beginning of a new paradigm for anything involving three dimensional graphics, especially games.  There is… Continue reading

The Oculus Rift and the dream of Virtual Reality

Well, it seems VR has made a comeback with the Oculus Rift HMD Kickstarter.  Inspired by a dedicated hobbyist named Palmer Luckey and supported by John Carmack from Id, it seems we are going to have something very special in the coming year.  The Oculus Rift is unique with a wide field of view and low latency tracking.  It will be a consumer version of a true immersive stereoscopic HMD. The hype level surrounding the… Continue reading