My name is Michael Schenck and this is my Unity and XR development blog. I will be posting about XR happenings and whatever I am currently working on – hopefully providing some useful tips along the way.
I started Pixelated Ramblings back in the Oculus DK1 days and have been focused on XR ever since. I was one of the first few members of Boston Virtual Reality when it was only a handful of VR nerds. I also frequently attend Boston Unity Group and have been working with Unity going all the way back to when it was first ported to Windows in the 3.x era.
I have a degree in Computer Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology and I have many years of experience with Unity and leading XR platforms and devices. I am also well versed in Web3D technologies such as Babylon.js and glTF.
I am always looking for freelance development opportunities. I am reliable, detail oriented, and passionate about what I work on. Check out my LinkedIn profile to see more about my skill set, past projects, and published experiences.
If you need help with a project feel free to contact me via or reach out through LinkedIn, or X.